My Glam Go-To!

Before she steps out into the world, she has to look like the woman she wants everyone to see. The first part of looking our best, starts with our skin. Its the most important asset we have; its the lining of our essence. Keeping our glow is of the upmost importance for the woman who knows beauty may not be skin deep, but it starts there. In my newly designed Glam Room at home, I opened my doors and give you my best kept skin secret. Thousands of dollars? No. Hours of time? No. My secret is an in home, affordable and easy to use must have. Illumask Anti-Aging Light Therapy. Brighten up your skin in 15 minutes, once a day. With all the traveling, make up applications, and general “wear and tear” my skin takes, I need something that will brighten and heal my most important feature. It gives my skin its life back, without taking time away from my busy life. The glow you’ll be wearing will be priceless, but the price you paid for it won’t be.


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Photography By: Hannah Faust

Disclothed It: Illumask

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July 13, 2015
July 15, 2015


1 Comment

  1. Reply


    July 21, 2015

    Hi, I have the illumask, but when I read it, I can’t use it because I’m breastfeeding my baby it’s gonna be 2 years in August 4 and I’m so sad I cannot use it. What I can do??please help